Since it’s launch in February, Yahoo! Buzz has really not created much, well, buzz. Part of the problem was that only about 100 content creators were invited to submit stories, text and video.
Today, the doors are now open to everyone. You can submit stories here.
Unlike Digg or the recently shuttered Thoof, there is editorial discretion, meaning you will likely have to get passed a human before gaming the system. This will likely keep some Web site owners today. However, the lure of potentially being featured on Yahoo’s homepage, is the Golden Ticket that will keep bloggers rolling the dice.
If you’re not familiar with Yahoo! Buzz, here’s the scoop in their own words:
The best of the best – chosen by people like you.
* The buzz can be about anything – a great story on a major news site, an extraordinary bit from an obscure site, an intriguing video, or a fantastic blog that shouldn’t be missed.
* Instead of editors, people like you determine the top-rated stories.
How it works.
* First, we determine the most popular topics that people are searching for on Yahoo!.
* Then, we showcase the most popular stories within those topics, based on activities like voting and emailing stories to friends.
* Stories with most Buzz may be published on the Yahoo! home page – you can impact what millions will see on Yahoo!.
If you experience the Buzz Effect, we’d love to hear about it.
Originally posted on August 19, 2008 @ 10:12 am