One of the reasons that online marketing is particularly interesting is because the barrier for entry is absolutely minimal. No matter what you’re advertising, if you’re not a big corporation with a big budget, you’re probably not going to be able to afford a billboard on a highway or an expensive TV commercial. But, with a tiny budget and some knowledge of how the mobile medium works, you can hit your online markets and targets right in their attention span.
It does take some observation, experimentation, and consideration of the way all of this works with reference to things like telecommunication and podcasting however. Consider data sets like processing performance numbers, transfer technology, how podcasts work, video or audio mediums, and the social factor in your next advertising project.
Performance Numbers
Performance number with reference to online marketing are often going to come from the client end. In other words, if you know what kind of devices your target audience typically has, and know what the processing and performance numbers are, then you can specifically cater your type of message to them. For instance, if they have a powerful processor in their phone (for gaming for instance), then you know that you can use graphics intensive ideas in your streaming marketing plan.
Knowing Your Data Transfer Technology
And having a knowledge of data transfer technology is a huge bonus as well. If you understand the comparison between LTE and 4G speeds, and know what kinds of environments people usually use their devices in (home vs. out on the road, at restaurants or. at airports), then once again, you can reverse engineer your marketing opportunities to match with both mindset and technological capability.
Podcast Potential
And one way to get the captive audience that you want for your online marketing is by having your message in a podcast. It’s super easy and free to set up a podcast central site (usually attached to your main website or through iTunes), then people can subscribe to your feed and notifications will push to them every time you post something new. Using the podcast format is a great way not to over advertise or be pushy.
Video Vs. Audio Mediums
And in terms of marketing, audio and video advertisement give very different messages, and they also take up different amounts of time, and use different amounts of data, respectively. Video and audio work great for people on WIFi, but sticking to just audio (in podcasts for instance) work better with people on slower connections.
Add the Social Factor
Podcasts in particular also have the social factor involved, because it’s easy for people to share link addresses that point their friends to the things that they’ve been listening to, so as long as share buttons are presented organically, everyone in the loop wins!
Originally posted on May 10, 2016 @ 3:53 am