Twitter is testing out a new way of  “ReTweeting” to selected beta users.  Here’s how the Twitter blog explains this “new feature.”
We’ve just activated a feature called retweet on a very small percentage of accounts in order to see how it works in the wild. Retweet is a button that makes forwarding a particularly interesting tweet to all your followers very easy. In turn, we hope interesting, newsworthy, or even just plain funny information will spread quickly through the network making its way efficiently to the people who want or need to know.
In short, the “ReTweet” feature which you can now see as part of the options for each of the tweets in your Twitter public timeline can be easily ReTweeted to your followers. The ReTweet button is represented by a rather odd-looking RT icon (see attached illustration)
You simply click on that icon and Twitter will automatically ReTweet the post to your followers. You’d see the phrase “Retweeted by you” just below the post which you just ReTweeted, similar to the like and unlike features of Facebook.
So, expect more ReTweets coming to your Twitter public timeline once the feature is rolled out to everyone. Perhaps even more than original “tweets” from people you follow.
Originally posted on November 6, 2009 @ 4:51 pm
Harsh Agrawal says
I find this update worth considering, but seems like my twitter profile is not as lucky as other
lucky people who see this new update