Six Apart unveils Widgets for Typepad
Appears Six Apart has partnered up with numerous folks to provide ways folks can add content to their blogs, and also to make money with their blogs.
A lot of cool toys for beginners. Typepad explains:
‘What’s a Widget, you ask? It could be a list of your most recent photos, or a topic-oriented search box, or a stats counter, or ads that help you make money, or a badge to help your users subscribe to your feed, or even a Flash game or a chat window. We call it “bling for your blog.” We’re launching with dozens of widgets from more than 30 partners, and more are on the way. Here are just a few of the things you can do with TypePad Widgets:* Add your Technorati profile to your blog
* Share a custom search roll with Rollyo
* Publicize your FeedBurner feed
* Let your readers find their next job from Jobster, Indeed and Simply Hired
* Highlight your favorite lens from Squidoo to your blog
* Let your readers subscribe to your blog via email, thanks to FeedBlitz’
hat tip: Darren Rowse
Originally posted on March 30, 2006 @ 1:52 pm
hjkljkl says
kljklk rtyrty
hjkljkl says