Not content at helping private companies land rovers upon the Moon, Google recently sent several Nexus S devices  into the stratosphere and was able to capture a humorous video of their mascot becoming lost in space.
Recently, we travelled to Ione, CA and sent seven payloads up, up, and away into near space, each equipped with a Nexus S. We took some cues from others who have sent homemade weather balloon rigs far up, and we wanted an opportunity to collect some interesting data about the sensors in Nexus S – GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. We also couldn’t resist what looked like a great way to spend a weekend. Sending the balloons up also gave us an opportunity to capture some stunning imagery and videos of Earth. (Google Mobile Blog)
Previously an iOS fans was able to send his iPhone 4 into space via weather balloon, although Google’s attempt might be the first time a company officially sent over half a dozen smartphones to embrace the final frontier.
It will be interesting to see if other companies (like Microsoft) attempt similar feats in order to raise publicity of their device, although truth be told the space geek in me is hoping that Google will consider sending one of these devices beyond Earth orbit (or even better land an Android device upon the Moon).
Originally posted on December 22, 2010 @ 3:37 pm