Twitter mania continues at full speed ahead, indeed a casual visit to Techmeme would suggest that little else currently matters in the world of Web 2.0. The latest:
Web1979 posts that Twitter is a phase that is bound to end this year:
I make no bones about my disdain for Twitter. I’ve commented far and wide about the inanity and potential danger of the tool, and even discussed some of the associated social repercussions on this blog. But I’d like to now go one step further, and predict its imminent supernova-like implosion.
Wired covers a vibrator that provides pleasure in sync with Twitter feeds (I kid you not).
Waxy tracks Twitters growth with some cool graphs.
Steve Rubel reviews a Google Maps/ Twitter Mashup. Cool, except no one will be looking at the SW corner of Western Australia when I post…perhaps I should tell Twitter I live in New York like my Skype in Number would indicate :-)
Creating Passionate Users says that face to face beats Twitter, and has some cool graphs to support the proposition.
The Wall Street Journal jumps on the Twitter hype wagon with a pro-Twitter fluff piece. You know something is big when it makes the WSJ.
Webware provides a decent Newbie’s Guide to Twitter, a must read if you still don’t get it!
Horse Pig Cow says I was using Twitter before you were. Do we care? probably not.
If you want to subscribe to my twitter feed: I’m giving it a shot, it’s kind of fun and liberating, although the proof of the value will only be measure over time.
Originally posted on March 16, 2007 @ 1:53 am
John Evans (Syntagma) says
If I was Evan, I’d sell now. Things can only go downhill from here. ;-)
Sharon Sarmiento says
Yeah Duncan–I’m with you. I’m not sold at all on it, and I need to try it to see what the hubbub is about.
There are some folks I really respect who say it has enormous potential in the marketing fields and other areas–I don’t understand how though.
What I’m wondering–is this just the latest toy or is it something that will bring real benefit to my life?
For sure, one thing I DO NOT need is another distraction on the internet.
I’m willing to test it though…and I will add you to my Twitter feed so I can be constantly updated on every random thought that goes through your head :-).