Greystripe has come out with their third brand lift study in one year, detailing some excellent results for Jeep as an advertiser in their network. The GS.Engagement campaign, which ran from March to April of 2008, saw a 10.8% increase in unaided brand awareness and 14.6% increase in online ad awareness, two figures both comparatively larger than the current InsightNorms mobile averages of 6.6% and 13.8%, respectively.
Jeep partnered with Greystripe to increase awareness and purchase consideration for the Jeep brand, and Greystripe tapped InsightExpress as the research provider. The goal of the study was to test the effectiveness of the Jeep mobile campaign at increasing awareness and persuasion metrics and provide the industry with even more concrete results of success in mobile game advertising. While multiple brand metrics increased at a statistically significant level, the analysis also looked at various specific audience segments exposed to the campaign, including gender, age and vehicle type purchase consideration.
The Jeep campaign resonated best among males, respondents between the ages of 25 and 34, and respondents already interested in purchasing an SUV. With males, mobile ad awareness increased by 18.1%, with purchase consideration rising 10.8%. Respondents between the ages of 25 and 34 saw an 18.5% increase in mobile ad awareness, with a 12.3% increase in purchase consideration. Finally, respondents who were most likely to consider purchasing an SUV saw a 19.6% increase in mobile ad awareness, with a 13.9% increase in purchase consideration.
Jenna Britton
Originally posted on December 17, 2008 @ 12:04 pm