LovinLounge is a new departure from the free-for-all social networking and online dating sites for singles which have saturated the Internet. LovinLounge’s online community is modeled after the hottest lounges and nightclubs in the world. To get past the velvet ropes and inside, it’s all about who you know. You need to have an invitation.
For the 21 to 39 year old trend-setter tired of online communities with fake profiles, teenagers and people they have nothing in common with, LovinLounge provides a unique alternative to connect with others within their established social circle. “This exclusivity creates a level of assurance for our members the people they meet within the community are real and share a mutual interest and connection with one another. For them time is money,” Laura Godwin, PR Director of LovinLounge, said.
Originally posted on June 27, 2007 @ 11:07 am