IWON.com, an exciting games and sweepstakes destination site that gives away cash and merchandise prizes, has revamped its site to give millions of online gamers even more reasons to play. Internet users who play casual games can now instantly win cash and a wide variety of prizes simply by playing their favorite online games for free.
In the coming months, the new IWON.com will incorporate social networking features that will make winning money a social experience. With more than 80 free games to choose from, players can find the perfect game for them on the all-new IWON.com – from classics like Blackjack, Poker and Solitaire to current favorites such as “Bounce Out” and “Collapse.”
“In developing the new IWON, we determined that not enough members were shouting ‘I Won’ on the old site. Now we plan to give away millions of dollars each year to thousands upon thousands of individuals. Right now, we have someone yelling out ‘I WON!’ every 45 minutes! It’s like being in Vegas, only without the risk,” said Tim Allen, VP of IWON.com.
Originally posted on October 3, 2007 @ 9:48 am