Gotuit announced the launch of Gotuit VideoMarker Pro, an application for publishers to package and present their broadband video libraries with a new level of rich video metadata that drives greater traffic, longer session times, and superior monetization.
Gotuit VideoMarker Pro is used by broadband publishers to author metadata describing each scene within the source video, without requiring any clipping or video editing. Each scene is defined with a Title, Description, Time In, Time Out, Thumbnail, and any Attributes which can be customized by the publisher. Scenes can be referenced in any number of Playlists allowing publishers to offer multiple paths through the library for viewers to personalize their experience.
Video unleashed with Gotuit metadata enjoys increased traffic as publishers can now syndicate much more detailed feeds into popular search engines. With each scene inside each video defined, the amount of indexed information grows by orders of magnitude.
Originally posted on April 29, 2008 @ 11:04 am