comScore released its comScore Video Metrix rankings for March 2007, showing Google sites as the top U.S. streaming video property with 57.4 million unique people streaming and 1.2 billion video streams initiated. YouTube drove the lion’s share of the video streaming activity at the Google sites property with 53.5 million unique streamers and 1.1 billion streams initiated.
March saw Americans consume more than 7 billion video streams online, led by Google sites with 1.2 billion (16.7 percent share of streams). Yahoo! sites ranked second with 434 million streams (6.2 percent), followed by Fox Interactive with 421 million (6.0 percent) and Viacom Digital with 260 million (3.7 percent).
In total, more than 126 million Americans viewed online streaming video in March. Google Sites also captured the largest streaming video audience with more than 57 million unique streamers, followed by Fox Interactive Media with 47.4 million and Yahoo! Sites with 34.5 million.
Originally posted on June 4, 2007 @ 9:11 pm
ejocwmbcyf says
Thanks for this site!