Mozilla Links have a nice compilation of a recent meeting regarding the development of Firefox 3, slated for launch in the third quarter this year. Among the news we find a better add-on interface, support for remote bookmarks and options for closer integration with various web services. Also, a bunch of nice to haves is listed, although they might or might not make the final release.
Meanwhile ActiveWin have spoken to a Microsoft official at CES earlier, and it has been confirmed that work have already started on Internet Explorer 8. We can expect the new version hitting the web within 18-24 months, apparently. Nice, since the wait between IE6 and IE7 where way too long. (Found via Read/WriteWeb.)
Oh, and by the way – IE7 is being rolled out through Windows Update, and have been some times. More and more regions are getting their versions pushed out. Please accept and install, if you don’t want to run Firefox, and kill IE6 once and for all. Please.
Originally posted on January 12, 2007 @ 6:34 am