In a few short months we will start gearing up for campaigning. As a result the Federal Election Commision will be unveiling new policies regarding bloggers and campaign finance laws.
…. that could limit political Web logs and e-mail solicitations and would be similar to campaign-finance laws that apply to more traditional advocacy groups, such as the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association.
The rules could limit the amount of campaign money bloggers would be allowed to raise and the amount federal campaigns would be allowed to spend on Internet advertising.
Via Washington Times
So as a policy we stay away from politics here. But really this is one moment I have to comment. I’m glad both conservatives and liberals alike are standing up and saying these regulations are not good for America, for democracy, or for freedom of speach. Mostly because it restricts how people spend their time campaigning online.
Originally posted on March 23, 2006 @ 12:26 am