You see them all the time, right? Top ten gadgets of the holiday shopping season, or five must-have gadgets that are coming next year? The gadget-related titles and content are all over the internet, and that must mean that people are buying them in droves. But why?
That’s a great question. Here are six reasons people love to buy gadgets for themselves and others.
1. Stories
People are always looking for a cool story to tell, and that’s where gadgets so often come in. The gadget itself (or its function) might be short-lived, but the story about where it came from, how much it cost, what other gadgets are similar, or who else you know who has this gadget, what you had to go through to lay your hands on it … those are the types of things that people love to talk about.
And you’ll need a gadget to get that conversation started!
2. Trendsetting
Do you have a friend who always likes to have the newest things, preferably before they even get to be cool? We’ve all got that friend, and most likely he’s the type of person who buys a lot of gadgets.
3. Learning
There’s something about gadgets that inherently seems to involve learning and discovery, because they so often connect with those functions in their operations. Seeing a new device impels you to learn about its primary purpose, what it’s capable of doing — and it also sets the bar higher for learning about future gadgets.
4. Fear
Fear of missing out is a new phenomenon that has been fueled in part by the steady rollout of new mobile technologies, social media, and hypnotic marketing techniques. People often buy gadgets because they are trendsetters as well, but sometimes even the coolest types find themselves getting on board toward the end of a new trend.
Mainly, a lot of people don’t want to miss out on the fun. Sometimes the fear of missing out also applies to social groups that are created around gadgets, and that helps to drive this fear.
5. Fun
Let’s face it: many gadgets are fun. Most of them bring a smile to your face, from opening the package, to using it. And that’s a treasured experience.
6. Excess to spend
Sometimes, thanks to low mortgage rates or savings on other big-ticket items, people find they’ve freed up some extra money to spend. And when extra money is on hand, one of the first things people splurge on are gadgets, which they view as a creative luxury!
Originally posted on January 3, 2014 @ 11:29 pm
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