Unlike most other blog search engines, the Google version ranks the search results according to relevancy. A look at a patent gives more insight into how the results are ranked and how to improve your blog’s ranking. (I rounded the numbers out, actual pointers are more than 10).
5 Things That Improve Your Ranking
- How many RSS subscriptions there are to the blog,
- How often people click on a link to the post in search results,
- How many blogrolls, and “high quality” blogrolls the blog is in,
- If the blog offers visitors the chance to tag posts and whether people are tagging them,
- References to the blog by sources other than blogs, (Pagerank, and; Others).
5 Things That Deteriorate Your Ranking
- If new posts appear in short bursts or at predictable intervals, and whether posts are the same size, or roughly the same size,
- If the content of the posts doesn’t match the content of feeds from the posts, or if the content includes a lot of spam related keywords,
- If a lot of content is duplicated in multiple posts from a blog,
- Link distribution of the blog,
- If posts primarily link to one page or site, (and; Others).
From Search Engine Roundtable. [via Google Operating System]
Originally posted on March 19, 2007 @ 11:38 pm
ianmack says
I can understand how duplicate/spammy content would deteriorate a blog’s ranking — but predictability of posts? And the length? These two factors should have no bearing on the actual quality of the post, something google should be rewarding. Right?
Greg O'Byrne says
So on that point, can you put me on your blog roll? Heh. Just kidding. Anyways you don’t have one, dangit!