It came as a big shock to me when I read in Reuters that majority of U.S. adults feel they cannot go for a week without going online and one in three giving up friends and sex for the Web!
Among the 1,011 Americans surveyed by advertising agency JWT, about 28% forego face-to-face socializing to spend more time online. The lack of socialization is already a known fact among addicted online users.
My biggest astonishment is that 20% of the respondents don’t spend much on sex because they are too busy with their online activities. It got me thinking this whole morning what online activities have that power to lure people away from doing something really great! It would be more interesting if JWT can provide a breakdown of this 20% by gender so we can see if there is significant difference between the online behavior of men and women.
“People told us how anxious, isolated and bored they felt when they are forced off line,” said JWT trend spotting director Ann Mack to Reuters.
Originally posted on September 20, 2007 @ 10:37 am